January 31, 2023
People prioritize Availability over Attention, but checking messages is always a toss, stacked towards attention loss.
Many people prioritize Availability over Attention,
Wanting deep work and constant connection.
They’re worried about emergencies
Or emails From: Boss.
But checking messages is always a toss,
Heavily stacked towards attention loss.
You’ll get 99 flow problems.
And of matters that matter?
Just one.
Ideas ready to enter your head,
But you check email instead.
Tasks that take longer to complete,
Meaning extra hours in the evening and less sleep.
Lower Return on Attention for the effort you put in,
Since you prioritize Availability again.
It takes discipline, that's for sure,
Resisting notifications and their lure.
You postpone focus one more time,
Going down that rabbit hole saying
Everything is fine.
It takes courage, too,
Not answering Boss or Client for an hour or two.
But give it a try.
Shut down your email, phone, and Slack.
Create an auto-responder saying you'll be back.
Devote yourself to deep work this way,
Put Attention over Availability today.